20 May 2006
Being Bobby Brown means living "my perogative". A song of joy, pain and drunken proclamations on Santa Claus.
19 May 2006
Winners write history; losers write novels.
-the Faulknerian school of fiction.
18 May 2006
Hypocrites possess a rude health. They know the difference between believing and expressing. Only in sickly times like now are hypocrites demeaned.
17 May 2006
A meal looks never better than when your rival is eating it next to you.
16 May 2006
Life is a metaphor. It is like 'not life' but not 'not life'. The primary urge of life then is expression.
15 May 2006
Truth? Why not untruth? Indeed it is to lust for the artificial that we arrive.
- toward a German philosophy.
14 May 2006
rainy diner
window seat gray day
it's slow, nobody hurries
how rare now lazy