13 January 2006
SPORT: Jump Shots For Winter Rec Leaguers
Dateline: A creaky gym floor at a Philadelphia YMHA
First thing, you have to practice to get a good jump shot. It is not like you can just walk in and light it up. You see that fat guy with the smoker's pallor nailing three ball after three ball? He has been practicing, if you add it all up, about six years of his life.
Second you have to have confidence. Even if you have missed 12 in a row and the moment you raise up the whole gym moans in sadness, you got to think you can make that shot. If you do not have confidence simply make it up. Pretend you are Craig Hodges about to rainbow in another golden arch of three.
Third, there is one technical secret to a great jump shot - never miss short or long. Good jump shooters never miss short or long. They miss left or right. This will, even if you miss, make for the so called 'shooter's bounce' which allows crafty teammates rebound chances. So when you are practicing try and sort things so you only miss side to side. Once you focus to that level, good things will happen.
We wish you happy rec league success this winter season.
First thing, you have to practice to get a good jump shot. It is not like you can just walk in and light it up. You see that fat guy with the smoker's pallor nailing three ball after three ball? He has been practicing, if you add it all up, about six years of his life.
Second you have to have confidence. Even if you have missed 12 in a row and the moment you raise up the whole gym moans in sadness, you got to think you can make that shot. If you do not have confidence simply make it up. Pretend you are Craig Hodges about to rainbow in another golden arch of three.
Third, there is one technical secret to a great jump shot - never miss short or long. Good jump shooters never miss short or long. They miss left or right. This will, even if you miss, make for the so called 'shooter's bounce' which allows crafty teammates rebound chances. So when you are practicing try and sort things so you only miss side to side. Once you focus to that level, good things will happen.
We wish you happy rec league success this winter season.
12 January 2006
LOVE: Girls Can Be Talked Into Love. Boys Cannot.
Dateline: A secret grotto where desperate pleas of love are uttered
Will that girl ever fall for you? Maybe if you work really hard and fool her into believing you have a shred or two of decency. Will that boy fall for you? Unless he drools and tries to rub against you on the sly, forget about it.
A girl can plead until she is blue in the heart, but a boy who does not feel it will not be convinced he has it in him. A boy on the other hand can do things to improve his odds. He merely needs to wash his hair, put on a new shirt, get a new job, learn a foreign language, become expert in the carnal arts (all the while showering the object of his affection with a constant spume of compliments) and the girl will say - why not, let's fall in love.
Boys have a natural pigheadedness and deafness when it comes to reason. Even if the girl is totally right, that if he loves her his life would change 180 degrees for the better, he will still be thinking - but then I won't be able to grope that other girl who smiled at me the other day. So girls, do not even bother trying to convince a boy to love you. In fact, the best strategy is to tell a boy to go kiss your ass, and if he keeps coming around maybe he really does love you.
Boys, however, should hone their skills in wheedling and casuistry. For if they can get the girl at least on the fence, then start convincing the hell out of the girl to hop over and fall in love, she might just say yea. If you catch her on the right day.
Will that girl ever fall for you? Maybe if you work really hard and fool her into believing you have a shred or two of decency. Will that boy fall for you? Unless he drools and tries to rub against you on the sly, forget about it.
A girl can plead until she is blue in the heart, but a boy who does not feel it will not be convinced he has it in him. A boy on the other hand can do things to improve his odds. He merely needs to wash his hair, put on a new shirt, get a new job, learn a foreign language, become expert in the carnal arts (all the while showering the object of his affection with a constant spume of compliments) and the girl will say - why not, let's fall in love.
Boys have a natural pigheadedness and deafness when it comes to reason. Even if the girl is totally right, that if he loves her his life would change 180 degrees for the better, he will still be thinking - but then I won't be able to grope that other girl who smiled at me the other day. So girls, do not even bother trying to convince a boy to love you. In fact, the best strategy is to tell a boy to go kiss your ass, and if he keeps coming around maybe he really does love you.
Boys, however, should hone their skills in wheedling and casuistry. For if they can get the girl at least on the fence, then start convincing the hell out of the girl to hop over and fall in love, she might just say yea. If you catch her on the right day.
NEWS: Science Infected With Charlatans Too
"S.Korean clone scandal is a tragedy: scientists"
Thu Jan 12, 2006 8:47 AM ET

Do not let the white smocks and lectures on the empirical method fool you. Science is as full of scheming, over ambitious sleezebags as any other profession. In light of all the scumbaggery that is taking place in corporate and government, it is well to remember: Scientists can be dirtbags too.
This is also pertinent to the whole intelligent design brew-ha-ha. The defenders of evolution played up the disinterested, objective image of science compared to the obviously biased and essentially dishonest image of intelligent designers. While mostly true, this worthless Hwang Woo-suk has put a politically tenuous branch of science in jeapardy because of his narcissistic nonsense.
Science is no more infallible than any other field where competition over money and fame drive the system. For those of us who hate the fundies and all the other ignorant anti-science morons, this is a well timed wake up call. Just because some cracker in a smock says it is so, don't make it so. Whenever we hear of some 'breakthrough discovery' let us all repeat in unison: "Replicate the results please."
ART: Dionne Warwick Rips Your Heart Out
Dateline: A long lost place where singers sang and players played
This diva is so hot they had to put a 'stache on her. When she sings Bachrach/David songs it is a storm charged combination that echoes down dreams for years.
"The Very Best of Dionne Warwick" sickens with its ill goo of delicious euphony.
Some songs on this 'gotta own it' disc:
#1, 2, 3: Don't Make Me Over. Anyone Who Had a Heart. Walk On By.
These pitch perfect Bachrach/David numbers have all been overplayed around the world by the lovelorn leaning against stained jukeboxes.
#5: Are You There (With Another Girl?)
This song might best show off Dionne's deep cornucupia of musical nectar.
#8, 9: Alfie. Windows of the World.
Two 'weeper ballads' for lovers of the form. Dionne lets us know she can break us high or low, fast or slow.
#11, 12, 13: I Say a Little Prayer. Do You Know the Way to San Jose? Promises, Promises, Promises.
A troika of the best pop tunes ever produced. Her voice is flawless and sophisticated; the orchestration top flight.
#16: Then Came You.
This pop duet with The Spinners was her only number one song. It is hard to believe she only had one number one.
Liner Notes: The CD has a few excellent publicity shots of Miss Warwick in form fitting sequined gowns and artful hairstyles. As beautiful as she was dulcet.
This diva is so hot they had to put a 'stache on her. When she sings Bachrach/David songs it is a storm charged combination that echoes down dreams for years.
"The Very Best of Dionne Warwick" sickens with its ill goo of delicious euphony.
Some songs on this 'gotta own it' disc:
#1, 2, 3: Don't Make Me Over. Anyone Who Had a Heart. Walk On By.
These pitch perfect Bachrach/David numbers have all been overplayed around the world by the lovelorn leaning against stained jukeboxes.
#5: Are You There (With Another Girl?)
This song might best show off Dionne's deep cornucupia of musical nectar.
#8, 9: Alfie. Windows of the World.
Two 'weeper ballads' for lovers of the form. Dionne lets us know she can break us high or low, fast or slow.
#11, 12, 13: I Say a Little Prayer. Do You Know the Way to San Jose? Promises, Promises, Promises.
A troika of the best pop tunes ever produced. Her voice is flawless and sophisticated; the orchestration top flight.
#16: Then Came You.
This pop duet with The Spinners was her only number one song. It is hard to believe she only had one number one.
Liner Notes: The CD has a few excellent publicity shots of Miss Warwick in form fitting sequined gowns and artful hairstyles. As beautiful as she was dulcet.