12 January 2006
LOVE: Girls Can Be Talked Into Love. Boys Cannot.
Dateline: A secret grotto where desperate pleas of love are uttered
Will that girl ever fall for you? Maybe if you work really hard and fool her into believing you have a shred or two of decency. Will that boy fall for you? Unless he drools and tries to rub against you on the sly, forget about it.
A girl can plead until she is blue in the heart, but a boy who does not feel it will not be convinced he has it in him. A boy on the other hand can do things to improve his odds. He merely needs to wash his hair, put on a new shirt, get a new job, learn a foreign language, become expert in the carnal arts (all the while showering the object of his affection with a constant spume of compliments) and the girl will say - why not, let's fall in love.
Boys have a natural pigheadedness and deafness when it comes to reason. Even if the girl is totally right, that if he loves her his life would change 180 degrees for the better, he will still be thinking - but then I won't be able to grope that other girl who smiled at me the other day. So girls, do not even bother trying to convince a boy to love you. In fact, the best strategy is to tell a boy to go kiss your ass, and if he keeps coming around maybe he really does love you.
Boys, however, should hone their skills in wheedling and casuistry. For if they can get the girl at least on the fence, then start convincing the hell out of the girl to hop over and fall in love, she might just say yea. If you catch her on the right day.
Will that girl ever fall for you? Maybe if you work really hard and fool her into believing you have a shred or two of decency. Will that boy fall for you? Unless he drools and tries to rub against you on the sly, forget about it.
A girl can plead until she is blue in the heart, but a boy who does not feel it will not be convinced he has it in him. A boy on the other hand can do things to improve his odds. He merely needs to wash his hair, put on a new shirt, get a new job, learn a foreign language, become expert in the carnal arts (all the while showering the object of his affection with a constant spume of compliments) and the girl will say - why not, let's fall in love.
Boys have a natural pigheadedness and deafness when it comes to reason. Even if the girl is totally right, that if he loves her his life would change 180 degrees for the better, he will still be thinking - but then I won't be able to grope that other girl who smiled at me the other day. So girls, do not even bother trying to convince a boy to love you. In fact, the best strategy is to tell a boy to go kiss your ass, and if he keeps coming around maybe he really does love you.
Boys, however, should hone their skills in wheedling and casuistry. For if they can get the girl at least on the fence, then start convincing the hell out of the girl to hop over and fall in love, she might just say yea. If you catch her on the right day.
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Not disheartening, nature's way of handicapping the natural dominance of females in the courtship process...
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