07 January 2006
NEWS: What To Do If You Are Being Spied On
Dateline: Somewhere deep in your communication coils
With the recent revelations of mass spying on U.S. Citizens, one might wonder: what to do if I realize I am being spied upon? The following list will help guide you in the eventuality that your shady life is of interest to invasive authorities:
After realizing you are under surveillance:
With the recent revelations of mass spying on U.S. Citizens, one might wonder: what to do if I realize I am being spied upon? The following list will help guide you in the eventuality that your shady life is of interest to invasive authorities:
After realizing you are under surveillance:
- Drop the crack pipe
- Put on a fresh pair of underpants
- Rat out those you dislike
- You can deduct time under surveillance off your taxes
- Rip out dental fillings
- Do not let your grandmother reveal embarrassing childhood gaffes on the phone
- Avoid using the following languages: Arabic, Russian, Chinese, Tagalong, Somali and any non-American accented English