22 February 2006
NEWS: Bull Terrier Wins Westminster
Dateline: Madison Square Garden
Bull Terriers have always been a bit déclassé, until now. Bred to fight for the amusement and enrichment of London slum dwellers, the breed just won the dog world's most glamorous prize- Best in Show at Westminster.
They are not a breed to trifle with. They are not the easiest of housedog. They do not always love strange children or other dogs. I have always been a fan of the Bull Terrier, and not because of Spuds Mackenzie. I was thinking about getting one but my lover read about the breed and put the kibosh on it. They are handsome with jaws that can rip a human arm from its socket.
I have one more comment on the Westminster Kennel Club Show. A Dachshund has never won Best in Show. What up with that? This needs to change. As a person who grew up with the dog world's version of a rabid badger, I would like to campaign for a Dachshund taking home the big trophy soon.
Bull Terriers have always been a bit déclassé, until now. Bred to fight for the amusement and enrichment of London slum dwellers, the breed just won the dog world's most glamorous prize- Best in Show at Westminster.
They are not a breed to trifle with. They are not the easiest of housedog. They do not always love strange children or other dogs. I have always been a fan of the Bull Terrier, and not because of Spuds Mackenzie. I was thinking about getting one but my lover read about the breed and put the kibosh on it. They are handsome with jaws that can rip a human arm from its socket.
I have one more comment on the Westminster Kennel Club Show. A Dachshund has never won Best in Show. What up with that? This needs to change. As a person who grew up with the dog world's version of a rabid badger, I would like to campaign for a Dachshund taking home the big trophy soon.