18 March 2006
LOVE: The One You Are With

Your Love Degrades Us Both
It is hard to accept another's love. It is much easier to freak oneself into a lather and chase after it. That way we know it is true. Perhaps our ostentatious side demands that those we hold dearest are appropriately precious. Nobody wants the wondrous phantasm of love to be dropped in the lap, handed over without effort. Yet that old song is no triter now: "…love the one you're with."
It is difficult to accept somebody who wants us. Suspicion is our first reaction. What does this person want with us? Does this person not know we are total psycho bags, unfit for domestication? It is actually quite funny to think about the chasm between our behavior when we chase after love and when it chases after us. An infinity of heartbreak between requiter and requited.
The one thing I have learned: those who want us want us for a reason and they just might be right. It is hard, wanting those who want us, I understand. For after suspicion, the second feeling is pity. As in, I am terribly sorry you were such a sucker to fall for me. But take a second look at supplicants, push away the initial feelings. There is something worth exploring in those who proclaim their love for us.
But then a third feeling overcomes us, contempt. It is difficult to give these greedy desirers a disinterested examination. For how dare this person like me? How worthless must they be, out of what gutter trolled they who consider me snoggable? When you start to ask yourself these type of questions, I implore you, stop yourself.
There might be love here. Even if it weeps of pathetic, take a moment to consider: maybe I should do this person tonight?
I do not advocate being a dirt bag. I merely want to suggest that sometimes the question of why, initially, should be subdued. Because one of these days we got to face facts – who wants us is who we want after all.
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Those are pretty and true words. I think it is important to take the leap and just do that person tonight.
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