24 March 2006
LOVE: TV's Cheaters Investigates Volatile Love

Your Cheating Heart Bought Me An Island
There are many things the TV show Cheaters teaches us about love. Like, if she says she is a drug addict who should not be left alone, you should probably not leave her alone. This is but one of many homilies on love that we learn on UHF's Cheaters. That this guy on the show had to learn this lesson while his drug addicted slut soon to be ex girlfriend reclines on a deck chair and smokes while the loser mullet dude she is cheating on him with sprays drug addicted insults at him from the pool, well that is just the deep expressions of love that Cheaters provides.
The main love lesson Cheaters teaches is the amount of self-deception involved in the process. Love is visually impaired indeed. At least once an episode we meet some sad ass schlumpf who is so in love s/he does not know what everybody in their generic apartment complex knows. It is so sad to see hope against hope dashed for good against the video evidence host Joey Greco invariably wields against infidelity. Yes it is true, your purported lover has nothing but love for not you, but rather this piece of trash s/he picked up from the job.
Cheaters also teaches us that like life, love frequently ends violently. I am serious, we all need to be watching Cheaters. Turn to UHF around 2:30 in the morning, it should be on shortly. A recent Cheaters chronicled the end of a love affair with a fist fight that spilled out on the street and caused a drunk street riot which attracted about 5 police cars in about thirty seconds.
Cheaters also teaches us: good love can be had with somebody who just broke it off with his/her no good cheating whore of a lover (now ex-lover.) Watch the cheated-on seethe in the Cheaters van with Joey Greco and you can see how hot the love would be. Inspect the intensity of the countenances about to confront cheating lovers and it is easy to picture how angry sex, liberation sex and revenge sex would spiral together into a typhoon of freak that is well worth keeping an eye out for.
Speaking of that, how much love does Joey Greco snare off of Cheaters? Consider this fantasy video: Joey Greco's VIP wrap party DVD featuring the men and women of Cheaters. That one would be nothing but "Too Hot For TV."
Besides informing us on issues of anthropology, human sexuality, ethnography, sociology, human courtship and strip mall night clubs - Cheaters enlightens us with trenchant intelligence on love (and that thin line that separates it from hate.)