08 March 2006
SPIRIT: Don't Worry, Be Happy
Dateline: That Place Where You Ride Puffy Goo Goo Into The Sunset
Remember that silly song from the dark ages of the 1980's? Turns out it speaks the truth. Nobody figured that body thumper Bobby McFerrin would have it in him to utter devine truth. But as that trite truth goes: God don't care what you think.
The song teaches us worry is not worth it. As the song says:
"In every life we have some trouble
But when you worry you make it double."
Worry is like a worm that eats at your spirit and sucks the good ju-ju juice out of you. Nobody lives problem free in this world. It is a matter of physics. The moment you move, you cause friction and that eventually leads to some idiot and/or moron being a pain in your ass.
Happiness is a state where you can look problems in the face and say, "Kiss me bollocks." (Preferably in a Scottish accent.)
There was a study done recently that proves the wisdom of Mr. McFerrin's lyrics. People who had to make a big decision were split into two groups. One group was asked to spend a lot of time considering the issue (i.e. worrying). The other was asked to play games and then make a snap decision (i.e. be happy.) Surprise, surprise, those who made decisions from a happy state were significantly more satisfied with their choices than the worriers.
So whenever you find yourself consumed with the worry worm, get yourself to your nearest music player and start whistling along with Bobby as he proffers words of wisdom sent straight from Mt. Olympus via a New York City Songster.
Remember that silly song from the dark ages of the 1980's? Turns out it speaks the truth. Nobody figured that body thumper Bobby McFerrin would have it in him to utter devine truth. But as that trite truth goes: God don't care what you think.
The song teaches us worry is not worth it. As the song says:
"In every life we have some trouble
But when you worry you make it double."
Worry is like a worm that eats at your spirit and sucks the good ju-ju juice out of you. Nobody lives problem free in this world. It is a matter of physics. The moment you move, you cause friction and that eventually leads to some idiot and/or moron being a pain in your ass.
Happiness is a state where you can look problems in the face and say, "Kiss me bollocks." (Preferably in a Scottish accent.)
There was a study done recently that proves the wisdom of Mr. McFerrin's lyrics. People who had to make a big decision were split into two groups. One group was asked to spend a lot of time considering the issue (i.e. worrying). The other was asked to play games and then make a snap decision (i.e. be happy.) Surprise, surprise, those who made decisions from a happy state were significantly more satisfied with their choices than the worriers.
So whenever you find yourself consumed with the worry worm, get yourself to your nearest music player and start whistling along with Bobby as he proffers words of wisdom sent straight from Mt. Olympus via a New York City Songster.