24 March 2006
SPIRIT: Evolution Design

Add Sun, Air, Water. Wait three billion years. Out Pops Don Knotts.
Those who are committed atheists are flawed in their thinking. For if you were a god and wanted to make manifest life in all its variety, if you wanted to ensure that life would survive regardless of circumstance, evolution would be an excellent system to implement. Evolution employs randomness, a perfectly objective tool, to ensure the maximum amount of types are tried.
Not all random changes are succesful. In fact most mutations are negative in effect. But by trying new possibilities all the time, evolution conceives - monkey blogger like - a munificent menagerie of life forms.
Atheists should be properly categorized with the religionists. They assert faith as fact. A disinterested perspective is that of contented agnostic. For this fact stands between us and a firm answer to the question: as a part of the whole we cannot judge the whole.
Evolution I think would be more terrifying if it was of divine origin. For out of nothing it cobbles together this fantastic cluster of interlocking species converting solar and geothermal energy into organized intelligence and - perhaps an unintended consequence - joy. How can a random mutation machine produce that rare substance, happiness?
This is by way of saying that Intelligent Design is a lie and those who propagate ID are notorious liars. The beginning of life was a random event. It occured in a rapidly changing ecology that had randomly changed to be a medium conducive to the formation of organized, self-replicating molecules. Randomness thus ensures order will be discovered eventually.
We should not trust evolutionists (and religionists) on issues metaphysical. There are too close to the wicket, so to speak. Understandably they possess a myopic perception on the matter of life, death and the creative forces in charge.
Not that evolutionists are useless. Over the next twenty years we are going to see big discoveries in evolution as the genetics field matures.
For now the Intelligent Design liars have been beaten back. This is a victory for us children of the enlightenment. For evolution may be the single most valuable piece of intellectual property created by the enlightenment. It is hard to imagine how much money one would make if it owned the patent for evolution.
Evolution might very well be attributed to some member of the Medici family who in 1493 had a whim to create a botanical collection culled from a newly conquered piece of territory. An impulse that ended up causing a scientist to dream of double helixes. What later was seen to be the key to the code of life's cookbook.