20 March 2006
SPIRIT: The Meaning Of Life

Thinking Body, Dancing Mind
Here is what I know so far as per the meaning of life question. We are all spirals of electromagnetic energy. There is no separation between divine and the material world. Everything is all we see, nothing is hidden. For those of who ponder this notion, we eventually reach a philosophical stalemate: how can we judge when all that we would judge with, must be fashioned from what we judge? As Herr Nietzsche teaches the fact that we cannot judge objectively relieves us of responsibility. Since we have no way of apprehending the whole from outside of it, we must resign ourselves to a subjective appreciation, and in doing so we become innocent again – redeemed.
Everything emerges from, as the Tai Chi people call it, a chi. A ball of energy out of which we spiral. To life and (hopefully) love and a nice walk along a forgotten river on light warm day. It is important to feel our center, that ball of energy not surprising located right near our naughty bits. I would recommend learning a couple Tai Chi moves. Tai Chi as one might expect has some good exercises for 'exploring' your chi.
Emotional intelligence is our animal morality. Dreams are visual metaphors written by our emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is rooted in self love and love of life. Out of this love spirals many cockamamie schemes that add up in the end to our so called lives.
We are entering a highly charged era. People need meaning in their lives. These fundamentalist religions teach us how much one will sacrifice for authentic feelings of meaning. Mircea Eliade teaches us that the thirst for meaning, for the answers to fundamental questions, should be properly viewed as biological need, like food and clean water. People were not built to be atheists.
This modern world is fraught with challenges for us who believe in this life, in spontaneous improvisation, we grandchildren of the enlightenment, who know life is holy prima fascia, and go on to exult in an ever growing knowledge of life. We 'hopeful monsters' who must endure the meaning of life in a world of willful ignorance. We wonder in our darker moments if the day will come when we are rounded up Pol Pot style and sent to re-education camps.
At the end of the day, in the twilight of our thoughts, we feel the power in our molten core, but bodhisattva style we postpone eternal bliss in order to help every last soul into nirvana.
[photo credit: http://www.themeaningoflife.org/]