18 April 2006


LOVE: One Millionth Notion On Love And Food

Love is just another course away

ove and food are both biological imperatives, to sound as sterile as possible. One needs to scrounge up a hambone for dinner and a love muffin for dessert. Something with a creamy center. Something that requires a 'slick when wet' sign. Love and food obsess us because of their necessity. Logically both fuel our imagination and dreams.

Women discern no practical difference between love and food. Hence, Saturday nights the bistros are crammed with men squiring women on the food, love two-step. Men understand preternaturally the food/love exchange rate. There is a reason the words meat and mate are but a letter-switch away.

But what food to eat that will efficate the consumption of love? Beans are straight off the list. Also food that gets caught in your teeth. Avoid food that may have gone rancid. Stick with high carbs for quick energy boost. Finish with chocolate. Nothing friskifies the love glands like sugar and cocoa dissolved in butter fat.

One could spend a lifetime creating an anthology of writing on love and food. It is a subject universal and never boring. When in Psalms they analogize a human body completely in terms of fruit, we have found a subject as old as the fall of man. We may have been tossed from the Garden of Eden, but there exists a key to return, at least temporarily: feast with your beloved then freak them until the dawn's red glare.


Avoid garlic, too. Love doesn't like bad breath any more than the rest of us do.
More chocolate and less garlic equal better love. According to those who claim to know.
and defintely show them your new profile picture.
Love is just moments away after they see your picture in a fish eye lens.
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