11 August 2006
construction bubbles blow
Please shut up. Please. Oh, and please stop making these
crappy profitbox condo crapholes that will blight
the neighborhood evermore.
The cranes downtown claw-like rip out
another crass profitbox highrise, glinting
testimony to cost per square foot.
The last vacant lots are now furiously thrown up on,
in the a last ditch attempt to turn a dollar before
the drywall and cinderblock craphouse goes down in smoke.
The houses though at least are as cheaply made as possible,
so when they house more 'affordable' people after the bust,
it will be a seemless transition from 'the manorside'
to 'disability village.'
No more slavic guys fighting please, no more fork lifts
running down city streets at 40 m.p.h. No more talk
of granite countertops and maple cabinets, or flipping,
or real estate scumbags getting rich by
The ugliness will be lasting, in the form of lame, soulless
boxes built to enrich offshore mob syndicates. Boxes built
to the property line, to as high and wide as possible.
So that those in them never have to leave.
Until they flip into their suburban McMansion in two years.
One says yes but, men are working, things are bustling,
money is being made, taxes are being paid.
Those of us in the bubble reply, "being built is a house of cards."
Just another hustle on shakedown street,
a tapering type scam that will see much in the way
of cash-stuffed carpet-bags scurrying to their
horrid gated mansions to dine on all the fruit their
unearned money will afford them.