02 May 2006
NEWS - Sexiest Tulip In Universe

Tulips are banned as evil by certain fundamentalist churches
Democracy is fine and good for voting and lecturing foreigners about, but can we use it to choose who is most sexy? No. Democracy cannot choose who or what is most sexy. Like potatos and peas, democracy is destined to be a humble necessity. We know that life cannot exist without liberty, starch and vegetables, even if we like to complain about its presence on our plate.
Who then chooses sexy? Nature. Good old fashioned mother nature turns out to be a cruel crone who dispenses the sexy willy-nilly. Some even call her a bit of a bitch. But not me. Although I would call her capricious. But then again, what is sexier than caprice?
Nature doles out the sexy without reason, rhyme or mercy. Sex and its display is a method of efficating the procreative urge. But why does that make us sweat so much when we are in the presence of sexy? There is a technical answer, but it is a nice day so let us say that it is because a baby in a manger went down a river in a swaddled basket and was thence called the sexiest baby ever.
This brings us to tulips. It was recently discovered that tulips are the sexiest flower. Tulips are too hot to handle, hotter than even orchids, lilies, et al. Tulips, better than any other flower, grow erect in the hot wet earth, explode toward the sun and unfurl flawless love parts that drive bees and other lucky creatures mad with desire.
Recently a vote was taken to decide the sexiest tulip. I think Electric Red Whore would have won, but like I said, democracy cannot decide sexy, nature does. That is to say, a week later and all the contestants for the sexiest tulip have withered by the sedge. Old age comes in days for tulips. And all the tulips have died. Except for one.
What were last week some of the sexiest living creatures in the universe, have become another chapter in that everloving tale of 'time keeps marching'. Except one. One tulip was given, by nature, not just intense beauty but also that most evil of magic, longevity. For this beauty does not fade and is unfurled right now at a corner garden, entrancing all who have eyes or stingers.
Which tulip is blessed supremely to be the sexiest in our universe since the big bang? None other than Asian Dragon Lady. She of the feathery petals and the bold red stroke down the middle of each petal. Iniside her bulb is contained the mystery of Eros and if you look long enough, which you can because this baby will never fade, you can see what infinity looks like in the primal urge.
When light and dark, life and death mate, their baby might just look how the Asian Dragon Lady looks today. I hook up with her every day and wonder how the old girl keeps dishing out the hot stuff like she does. I thank my lucky stars at the freak she dispenses on me daily until my eyes are filled with that gold dust called Elysium Elixir.